What Are the Symptoms of a Large Ovarian Cyst?

Symptoms of a large ovarian cyst include a dull ache in the pelvic area that may radiate to the thighs and lower back and pelvic pain at the very beginning and end of a menstrual period, says Mayo Clinic. Other symptoms are painful intercourse and pain when moving the bowels.

Additional symptoms of a large ovarian cyst are a feeling of fullness in the abdomen and frequent urination, according to Mayo Clinic. The woman may also have trouble emptying her bladder completely. Nausea, vomiting and tender breasts are other possible symptoms. Most small ovarian cysts are silent. Abnormal vaginal bleeding may occur as well, according to Womenshealth.gov.

There are several different types of ovarian cysts, claims Womenshealth.gov. Corpus luteum cysts form from the follicle sac that held the egg. The sac is supposed to degrade into cells called the corpus luteum, but if a cyst forms, the sac heals over, and fluid starts to build up inside. These cysts can grow rather large and can twist or bleed. Cystadenomas, which are fluid-filled cysts, are also capable of growing large. Both corpus luteum cysts and cystadenomas are benign.

Cysts that are very large, cause pain or seem suspicious to the doctor may require surgical removal, says Womenshealth.gov. Alternatively, the doctor may prescribe pain medications or hormonal birth control.