What Are the Symptoms of the HPV Virus in Women?
The symptoms of the human papilloma virus, or HPV, in women is usually limited to genital warts, as HPV and cervical cancer do not have any other symptoms, reports the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention, or CDC. The HPV virus in women can lead to cervical cancer as well as other cancers that will usually not display symptoms until the cancer has progressed into one of its later stages.
Once the cancer has arrived at these later stages, it can be difficult to treat. It is recommended to women to get checked for cervical cancer on a routine basis, reports the CDC. It is also important to perform self scans of the genital area at home. Genital warts can come in many sizes and shapes, and there may be bumps on the thigh areas as well as the genitals.
Doctors usually diagnose HPV from inspection when the doctors see the visible genital warts; however, if the HPV has developed into cervical cancer, then it can also be visible on a pap smear, according to WebMD. Most of the time women under the age of 30 are able to eliminate the virus from their bodies on their own, but women over 30 are more likely to develop cancer from the virus. Depending on its severity, HPV is treated (when necessary) through cryosurgery, laser therapy, loop electrosurgical excision procedure, electrocautery or prescription cream, according to the Cleveland Clinic.