What Are the Stages in the Communication Cycle?

The five key stages in the communication cycle are message creation, transmission, reception, translation and response. A communication cycle refers to the process by which a message is developed and sent to the recipient through a selected channel.

The first stage in communication is the creation of an idea or the message. It is the process by which the sender decides what he wants to communicate and selects the channel through which to convey this information.

The second step is message transmission. This process may be as simple as meeting with the recipient and orally communicating the information, or communicating with the intended recipient over the phone.

The reception stage involves change of communication responsibilities between the sender and the recipient. The receiver obtains the information by reading the information in written format or listening carefully to the message when delivered orally.

The next stage is translation. During this step, the recipient encodes the message into a form that he easily understands. This may involve an individual listening to or reading the message and paraphrasing it in his head.

The final stage in communication cycle is response. It fulfills the requirement of an effective communication as a two-way street. After receiving the message, the recipient crafts a response and communicates it verbally or in a written format.