What Solutions Are Commonly Proposed to Solve Racism?
The proposed solutions to racism are varied and diverse in nature, although most involve education and open communication between racial leaders and citizens on all sides. While some propose that the solution would involve giving minorities greater opportunity, most agree that racial tensions cannot be solved until members of all racial groups acknowledge issues within their group and develop plans for better cross-cultural understanding.
The potential solutions for racism primarily involve education for both those in the majority as well as minority groups. Some propose that those in the majority Caucasian group in the United States should acknowledge that racism is still a prevalent problem and admit their ancestors’ misdeeds. This would involve acknowledging not only racism toward minority groups but also the inherent privileges afforded to white people just for being in the majority group.
Others seek to promote empathy between racial groups. This is challenging because, in many cases, people in the minority do not feel understood, while majority members are hesitant to discuss racial issues for fear of offending or being perceived as racist. Some say this has led to “colorblind” racism, in which those in the majority group maintain racist tenets by ignoring the fact that racism still exists. Some believe that racial tensions between white and black people in the United States were greatly diminished by the civil rights movement and affirmative action, but this belief in itself breeds further resentment and division between racial groups.
Still others propose that the key to ending racial tensions is for minorities to no longer place blame on whites and instead focus on empowering their own communities through education.