Why Is Social Health Important?
Being socially healthy enables individuals to interact and relate to others in a positive manner. A person’s social health also impacts his ability to build friendships and form intimate relationships, and studies also show that positive social interactions can enhance a person’s physical and mental health.
A person’s social health not only determines whether or not he has the ability to interact or thrive in social settings, but it also determines how the person functions as a member of society. A person who is socially healthy generally finds it easier to interact with individuals at schools, in neighborhoods and at workplaces. Individuals who are socially healthy also tend to have a higher self-esteem, so they feel less nervous or awkward in social settings. They also tend to live a more-active life, have a greater sense of belonging and display better overall mood each day.
According to the National Institutes of Health, adults who are socially connected to others generally live longer, happier lives than those who remain isolated for extended periods. Social isolation can also lead to a psychological decline in individuals who are otherwise mentally healthy. Social relationships are also a main source of emotional support for many individuals.