What Are the Social Dimensions of Education?
The social dimension of education is a concept that aims to remove inequalities that limit access to higher education under the European Area of Higher Education. The concept was first discussed at the Prague Communiqué of 2001 and later defined by the London Communiqué of 2007. The social dimension aims to eradicate the influences of socioeconomic factors from determining a student’s success.
The social dimension should consider student ability, material and immaterial resources and opportunity as factors that contribute to student success. The social dimension attempts to create policies that help students succeed at a university with consideration of social background, aspiration and time available for studying. A main goal of the social dimension is to provide flexible pathways within higher education to increase participation from a variety of socioeconomic groups.
Moreover, the social dimension attempts to erase student inequalities by giving students better access to counseling, sound living conditions and financial support. The concept encourages all students to participate in student government to develop higher education policies. Degree completion incentives are a part of the social dimension as well. Social dimension aims to unite students from varying backgrounds to create a society with fewer boundaries based on social, economic or cultural differences.
Each country participating in the European Area of Higher Education is expected to devise a strategy to employ the social dimnesion at univiersities throughout the nation.