What Are Some of the Similes in “Macbeth”?

In “Macbeth,” there are a number of similes including the similes found in: Act I, Scene II 3-5; Act I, Scene II 7-9; Act I Scene III 97; and Act V Scene Viii 43. The first simile is “This is the sergeant / Who like a good and hardy solider fought / ‘Gainst my captivity.
This first simile in “Macbeth” compares the sergeant to a good and hardy solider. Similes are comparisons between two different things. They are found in literature and in everyday speech.
The second simile is “Doubtful it stood; / As two spent swimmers, that do cling together / And choke their art.” This simile compared the doubtful person to two spent swimmers that cling together and therefore choke or diminish the effect of their art.
The third simile is “As thick as hail came post with post” and compares the subject with the thickness of hail. The fourth simile is “But like a man he died,” which compares the subject with a man.
“Macbeth” is a play that was written by William Shakespeare. It is a story about Macbeth, a Scottish general, who receives a prophecy that one day he will be the King of Scotland. He becomes consumed with ambition and action that his wife encourages. This leads to a bloodbath of dangerous proportions.