How Do You Set Up a Baby Registry Online?

Photo Courtesy: AsiaVision/iStock

Preparing to welcome a new baby is a special and exciting time in a parent’s life — but it’s also usually an expensive time. Baby showers are a classic way to help lower some of the costs, making it easier for expectant parents to celebrate their new addition while receiving gifts from loved ones.

Baby registries are a key part of the baby shower equation, too. And with options that let you set one up online, they’re also much more convenient than spending hours walking around the mall. If you’d like to create a baby registry online for yourself or a loved one, here’s what you need to know.

What Is a Baby Registry?

A baby registry is a curated list of items that parents create to meet upcoming needs related to the birth of their new child. Often, these lists serve as recommendations for any family members who are interested in purchasing gifts for a baby shower — or those who simply want to help the soon-to-be parents ease into life with a new baby.

Baby registries also reduce the odds parents will be gifted duplicate items. Most online registries let gift buyers see what others have already purchased so they can ensure they don’t accidentally choose an item another shower guest already covered.

What Should You Put on a Baby Registry?

Generally, it’s helpful to consider the needs your new baby will have and use those as a guide. Whether it’s a stroller, bottles, swaddles, diapers or anything similar, if your baby needs it or will enjoy it, it’s a good addition to the list.

There are also some items you probably won’t need to add. For example, unless there’s a specific item of clothing you’d really like for your baby, you probably won’t need to put tons of clothing options on the list. Many people purchase clothing as gifts for expecting parents, even if you don’t register them, and the same thing goes for baby blankets. It’s wise to focus on the essentials first.

What Are the Best Online Baby Registries?

If you want a universal online baby registry, Babylist is an excellent option. You can integrate items for any retailer. Plus, you can request more than just products; you can ask for acts of service, too.

For store-specific online baby registries, options at accessible retailers that are familiar already can usually lead the way. Those include:

  • Amazon
  • BuyBuyBaby
  • IKEA
  • Pottery Barn Kids
  • Target
  • Walmart

The store-based registry that’s best for you depends on your personal preference, budget and other factors. However, they’re all worth considering when you’re first narrowing down your options.

How to Set Up a Baby Registry Online

Setting up a baby registry online is relatively straightforward. While the exact process varies depending on the retailer you choose, the first step is usually creating an account if you don’t have one already. You’ll provide basic details, including your name, email address and mailing address.

After that, you’ll head to the site’s baby registry page to create the registry. You might be asked to add a few details about the upcoming arrival, such as the due date or gender, though that isn’t always the case.

Once you have the list set up, you can start adding items to it online. The exact process varies by retailer, but you can typically do quick searches as you would when shopping online for other products. Then, when you find an item you’d like to have on your baby registry, you can click a button that specifically adds the product to the list.

Simply continue adding items to your baby registry until you cover all your needs. After that, let others know about your registry so they can purchase gifts for your new arrival with ease.