What Is a Septated Ovarian Cyst?

A septated ovarian cyst has some solid areas called septations inside it, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. The presence of these solid areas adds complexity to ovarian cysts and is a reason to consider surgical removal as opposed to continued observation.

When it comes to early-stage ovarian cancer, symptoms are not specific, states Johns Hopkins Medicine. Many conditions that are not cancer yield symptoms that resemble symptoms of cancer, causing possible confusion and misdiagnosis. When ovarian cysts are present, regular monitoring is necessary to prevent cancer from developing or reaching an advanced stage. When cysts remain stable in size or shrink, and other symptoms of cancer disappear, observation alone is sufficient. However, growth in the cyst, the development of septations or aggravation of symptoms are all cause for surgery.

If the patient and doctor decide surgical removal is the best option for a septated ovarian cyst, having the procedure done by a gynecologic oncologist is the ideal choice, explains Johns Hopkins Medicine. If that is impossible, the next best choice is to have that specialist available to assist if ovarian cancer becomes the diagnosis as a result of the surgery. Having the procedure at a facility that performs a high volume of ovarian cancer procedures produces a longer average survival period in comparison to a center that only handles a small number of these procedures.