How Do You Select Worksheets so They Each Print on One Page?

To select Excel worksheets so they each print on one page, open the workbook, right click on the sheet tabs, and click Select All Sheets. Click on the Page Setup button, and set the Fit To option to one page. Print the worksheets.

  1. Open the file

    Open the Excel file that you want to print.

  2. Right click

    Right click on one of the sheet tabs at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Click Select All Sheets option

    In the menu that appears, click the Select All Sheets option at the bottom of the menu.

  4. Go to Page Setup

    Click on the Page Layout tab located at the top of the window. Then, click on the Page Setup button in the Page Setup section of the upper toolbar. It is a small button in the bottom right corner of the section.

  5. Select the Fit To option

    On the Page tab of the Page Setup window, and look in the scaling section of the window. Find the Fit To option and set it to one page wide by one page tall. This setting makes the worksheet scale to fit on just one page when printed.

  6. Print the worksheets

    Click the Print button to open the Print Menu. Use the Print Preview function to make sure everything is correct. You may print only the active sheets, the entire workbook or the selected worksheets.