How Do You Get Replacement Keys for a Sentry Safe?
Replacement keys for Sentry safes can be ordered from the official Sentry website or by calling Sentry’s customer service department at 1-800-828-1438. To get a replacement key, an owner must have the safe’s model number and serial or lock number. A notarized Statement of Ownership may also be required.
For Sentry chests or files, the lock reference number is required for key replacement. The reference number is engraved on the silver cylinder of the lock itself.
For personal, home and office safes, the serial number is required to obtain replacement keys; it is located on the right-hand side of the front door, between the hinges. The serial numbers on commercial safes are located on the right side of the safe.
For gun safes, the serial number is engraved on the lock cylinder. Gun safes require a notarized Statement of Ownership. The notary public cannot have the same last name as the safe owner. Orders are not processed until the notary form is received by Sentry.
Sentry replacement keys come in sets of two. Standard orders take approximately seven to 10 days for processing before they are shipped. Express orders can be requested at additional cost; express orders placed before 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time are guaranteed for 48-hour delivery.