How Do You Repair Scratched Ray-Bans?

marc falardeau/CC-BY-2.0

Scratched Ray-Ban sunglasses can be repaired through various methods such as applying brass or silver polish, toothpaste, water mixed with baking soda, vehicle wax or lemon pledge. Also, the Ray-Ban company offers a repair service for damaged Ray-Bans without a warranty. The company charges a non-refundable processing fee, but does notify the customer of the expected repair cost before fixing the sunglasses.

Before having the sunglasses repaired by a professional, there are numerous possible home remedies that may repair the scratch. Brass or silver polish can be soaked onto a cotton ball and then rubbed onto the scratch to try to buff the scratch out. It’s important to remove any leftover polish, or any applicant for that matter, with a soft, clean cloth, so it doesn’t dry and stick to the lens.

A similar technique can be used with toothpaste, in fact. Make sure that the toothpaste isn’t abrasive and contains no mint flavoring, whitening agents or gel, as greater damage to the lenses could occur. By rubbing the toothpaste into the scratch with a cotton ball and then rinsing off the toothpaste ten seconds later, the scratch may be easily repaired.

Mixing one part water with two parts of baking soda is another way to make a paste. The technique is similar to using toothpaste, where rubbing it into the crack and letting it sit for ten seconds before washing it off can help to remove scratches. Vehicle wax and lemon pledge can also be used to buff out scratches. If these techniques do not work, though, the scratches may be too deep to repair with home remedies.