How to Remove Vocals From an Audio Track in Sound Forge Audio Studio 10?

Users can remove vocals from audio files by using the “Vocal Eraser” plug-in that is included by default in Sound Forge Audio Studio 10. The plug-in has presets for different styles of music and can also be used to extract vocals from songs.

The Vocal Eraser plug-in is included in Sound Forge Audio Studio 10 and can be used to remove or isolate vocals in audio files. The plug-in is also included in Sony Vegas Movie Studio Pro 10.

Step 1: Select a suitable audio track

The Vocal Eraser plug-in works best with tracks that do not have backing vocals and have a lead vocal with no effects applied to it. Further, choose tracks where the lead vocal is at the center of the sound stage.

Step 2: Tweak settings

Adjust the plug-in settings to match the type of voice and the genre of music as close as possible. The plug-in has different settings for male and female voices, as well as settings for different pitches. Users should experiment with different suppression methods to find the one that works best for a particular song.