What Is a Refrigerator Sealed System?
A refrigerator sealed system is a system in which refrigeration occurs. It is composed of the suction tube, metering device evaporator, condenser and compressor. The compressor increases the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant that enters it. The refrigerant then goes into the condenser found below or behind the refrigerator.
The refrigerant enters the compressor and condenser in gas form and emerges in liquid form. The high-temperature, high-pressure liquid refrigerant travels into a metering device or capillary tube and exists with a low pressure and temperature. It then passes through the evaporator inside the freezer and turns into a low-pressure, low-temperature gas upon exiting.
The gas moves into the suction tube and proceeds into the compressor, restarting the entire process. As long as the gas doesn’t leak out, refrigeration occurs continuously since refrigerators always have a gas supply.
Airflow is essential in the proper functioning of a refrigerator. Stopping or obstructing the airflow may cause a refrigerator to malfunction. The evaporator inside the freezer has a fan above it that provides air into the freezer and fresh food compartments. Refrigerators also have a fan below them that provides airflow, assists with the condensing process and helps prevent the compressor from overheating. Defrosting is an important process that prevents ice buildup to avoid blocking airflow.