What Are Some Reasons Why I Might Be Spotting Two Weeks After My Period?
Spotting sometimes occur when women ovulate, which occurs in the middle of the cycle, or roughly 2 weeks after a period, according to WebMD. Other causes of mid-cycle bleeding include stress, infections, miscarriage, birth control pills and uterine fibroids or polyps, notes Northside Hospital.
When women ovulate, they experience a hormonal shift that may cause vaginal bleeding, according to UpToDate. Spotting happens also in women who use hormonal birth control. Young women experiencing their first few menstrual periods may experience spotting because of the lack of ovulation. Likewise, perimenopausal women may also experience spotting.
UpToDate defines spotting as small amounts of blood. If a woman experiences heavy bleeding between her cycles, she may have a condition such as uterine fibroids or endometrial polyps. Other possible causes include pregnancy, cancer and hypothyroidism.
Northside Hospital recommends keeping track of the number of pads or tampons used, as well as how often they need to be changed. Women should also avoid using aspirin while spotting, as this may lengthen bleeding time. Although hormonal shifts may cause spotting, women should consult a healthcare provider if bleeding is heavy or combined with fatigue, pain or dizziness. Post-menopausal women should also have spotting checked out. A physician may conduct blood tests, a Pap smear and cervical cultures to pinpoint the cause of spotting accurately.