What Are Some Reasons for Kathy Levine’s Departure From QVC?
Kathy Levine left QVC because her work schedule was too taxing and she wanted more free time for her personal life. She was already considering leaving the network when she was offered an opportunity to start her own talk show.
Levine had been working at QVC for 13 years when she realized she needed a better balance between her career and social life. Most of her days were spent taping shows. Since she was in her late 40s, she decided she needed to find someone to grow old with. She began her search for a life partner and eventually met the man who would be her husband, Steve Taub, through a personal ad. Soon after meeting Taub, Levine reconnected with a former QVC executive, Barry Diller, She asked whether he had any projects that would be right for her, and he said he was seeking a host for a new talk show. Taub encouraged her to resign from QVC with no regrets. Levine left QVC on good terms and was welcomed when she returned years later with a jewelry line. Although the talk show never went into production, it was the incentive for Levine to leave QVC and have time to do what she wanted.