What Questions Are Asked in a Psychological Evaluation?

The questions asked in a psychological evaluation vary based on the psychologist and the patient. An interview often begins with the psychologist inquiring about why the patient is having the evaluation and how much any symptoms the patient has are interfering with his life. The psychologist may ask about significant life events and how the patient handled them.

A psychologist interviews patients to create a personality profile and pinpoint disorders that could be causing issues for patients. The personality profile can show possible traits, both positive and negative, that the patient has. Psychologists usually ask patients about their treatment history and preferences so it can be taken into account for future treatments. The interview is only one tool the psychologist uses during the assessment to learn more about his patient. Other aspects of the assessment may include evaluations of the patient’s personal and medical history. Psychologists observe patients during the interview to look for any feelings the patient may be repressing. The psychologist may interview other people in the patient’s life. Psychological may administer tests that focus on specific traits or disorders if a certain issue is suspected. The psychologist uses all the information found in tests and assessments to create a diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient.