What Is Pyria Gum Disease?

Pyria, or periodontal disease, is a progressive gum disease characterized by inflammation resulting from the toxins found in plaque, as stated by Huey Dental Associates. Early inflammation, known as gingivitis, is reversible, but the progressed disease can damage the gums and jawbone.

As a bacterial infection colonizes in the gums, the individual experiences irritation and inflammation as deep pockets form between the teeth and gums, according to Huey Dental Associates. If allowed to progress, pyria begins to destroy underlying tissue, which may eventually lead to tooth loss or infection in other areas of the body as the bacteria travels by bloodstream. As much as 30 percent of people may be genetically predisposed to developing pyria, but other factors such as tobacco use, hormonal changes during pregnancy and underlying medical issues such as diabetes may also play a role.

Pyria begins to develop when tartar and bacteria are not removed from the teeth, eventually affecting the surrounding gums, as stated by Huey Dental Associates. Good dental hygiene and regular cleanings can help prevent pyria. If the disease does develop, conservative treatment options include the use of antibiotics and a scaling or planing procedure to clean the deep pockets. In some cases, periodontal surgery may be necessary to recontour the gingival tissue to enable easier cleaning.