How Do You Put on a Cowboy Belt Buckle?
To put on a cowboy belt buckle, slide the end of the belt through the buckle’s clip, and button the belt before buttoning the buckle to the belt. You need a belt with two buttons at one end and a buckle.
Remove the existing buckle
If your belt has an existing buckle, undo the buttons near the buckle, and slide the buckle off. If your belt does not have an existing buckle, undo the buttons.
Line the belt and new buckle up
Place the belt on its front with the end that has the buttons facing the new buckle. Place the new buckle on its front with the side that has the clip facing the belt.
Attach the buckle to the belt
Slide the end of the belt through the clip of the buckle until the metal bar on the clip is centered between the buttons and the parts that the buttons attach to. Without moving the buckle, fold the end of the belt over, and secure the buttons. Fold the buckle over, and secure it to the back of one of the belt’s buttons. Slide the opposite end of the belt through the loops of your pants, and secure the two ends when they meet.