Why Do We Do a Pulse Raiser?

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According to SportsInjuryClinic.net, a pulse raiser is done in order to promote blood and oxygen circulation so that the muscles have more energy to operate optimally. The pulse raiser is the initial part of a warm-up and involves any kind of exercise that slowly increases the heart rate.

SportsInjuryClinic.net states that performing warm-ups is essential to enhance performance and decrease the risk of injuries. Muscles work best at a temperature of 40 degrees, and performing an efficient warm-up is a good way to reach this temperature. Aside from the oxygen and blood flow, the speed of nerve impulses and range of joint motion are also improved through a good warm-up.

According to SportsInjuryClinic.net, a warm-up typically lasts for 15 to 30 minutes and consists of three elements: a pulse raiser, stretching exercises and sports-specific drills. Common examples of a pulse raiser include jogging, skipping and cycling.

SportsInjuryClinic.net states that jogging is a good choice because it doesn’t require any equipment. The person can start at a slow speed and gradually increase it. It’s best to perform a type of warm-up that incorporates movements similar to those used in the sport or activity in which one is preparing to participate.