Why Does a Prolapsed Uterus Cause Bleeding?

The pressure of a prolapsed uterus on the vaginal wall can cause sores to develop on the protruding cervix, which may bleed, according to the Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogynecology Institute of Michigan. These sores may also become infected or cause discharge.

There are a number of risk factors for uterine prolapse, according to WebMD. The most common risk factor is vaginal childbirth, particularly in cases when a woman has a long, difficult labor or gives birth to a large baby, which places a lot of pressure on the uterus and pelvic muscles. Uterine or pelvic organ prolapse may not appear until menopause, when a further loss of strength in pelvic tissues occurs. Other risk factors include obesity, chronic constipation, pelvic surgery, genetic factors and nervous system diseases.

Mayo Clinic lists a variety of treatment methods for uterine prolapse, including self-care measures and surgical options. In mild cases, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding heavy lifting and performing Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles can help reduce pelvic pressure and alleviate some symptoms. For more advanced cases, a vaginal pessary is used to support the uterus from inside the vagina. In severe cases, surgery is necessary to repair weakened tissues, graft material onto pelvic structures to provide strength, or remove the uterus altogether.