Understanding the Basics of Political Globalization
The United Nations, the European Union and the Paris Climate Accord are all examples of international political collaboration that goes beyond mere economics or military action. That collaboration is what political globalization is all about.
There are many examples of political globalization, including the European and African Unions. In these examples, political integration joins multiple nations together to make decisions and establish policies. Because the nations of the world have become much more connected, there is a growing prevalence of intergovernmental agencies, like the International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and the United Nations. Political activity has become much more interactive on a global scale as a result. National governments interact with each other beyond diplomacy and militarized hostility in a politically globalized world.
The Private Side of Political Globalization Not all elements of political globalization are carried out through official government channels. Some political movements arise among individual citizens who seek policy victories in their own countries but work as part of a global effort toward a single cause. Same-sex marriage rights and other human rights issues are a good example of political globalization. International norms are starting to influence the way nations think about governance and make laws. Shared human values can create a domino effect of international policy change through the global communication of ideals. Technology and the ease of international communication help make this possible as does the ease of international transportation.
Political globalization is one facet of the general trend toward globalization, which is a historical phenomenon that has seen the nations of the world become increasingly interactive in terms of not only politics but also economics and culture. Whether this phenomenon is a good or a bad thing largely depends upon the subjective interpretation of facts and one’s political goals. Individuals who tend to be more nationalistic and less tolerant of diversity may see globalization as a bad thing as they’d rather not interact with people who are not members of their own race or culture. There are other arguments against globalization as well, including economic and political arguments that are not based on nationalistic ideology. There are plenty of arguments in favor of globalization as well, with some people being of the mindset that increased human interaction results in cultural and intellectual enrichment.
Cooperation Among Nations Human history reflects a general trend toward international cooperation and interaction, but globalization is a relatively new phenomenon. The United Nations, which was formed in the aftermath of World War II, was one of the first major steps toward formal political globalization. Prior to the advent of the UN, nations would often cooperate with each other through trade, military allyship or through the signing of diplomatic or military treaties, but this is not exactly the same thing as political globalization as the nations would maintain a sense of sovereignty from each other in spite of the collaboration. Political globalization is more of a movement toward multilateralism characterized by collaboration rather than unilateralism with occasional cooperation. Nations actively working together toward a single political cause, such as agreeing to measures designed to fight global climate change or international terrorism are a sign of how interconnected politics has become on an international scale.