What Are Paper Plate Award Ideas for Sports Teams?
Paper plate award ideas for sports teams depend on the kind of sports team, but some include awards for best position (hitter, pitcher, goalie, point guard, etc.), best rookie (the best new player on the team), most hustle (the player who always gives it his or her physical best), most improved (the player who improves the most over the season), most spirit (the player who cheered the team on the most) and most heart (the player who played with his or her whole heart and never gave up). Paper plate awards can also focus more on creating unique awards for each player that mimic his or her personality such as “Best Hair Flip” or “Biggest Team Clown.”
To make paper plate awards, one only has to purchase paper plates and then grab some colored markers. Stickers are optional, but they can add a great touch for little ones. Each paper plate will need the award written on it, and the back can have the name of the award winner if desired. The award winner’s name should not be on the front because then the surprise will be given away before the winner is even announced.
A symbol could be drawn on the plate such as the team mascot or a fun drawing of the sport such as a baseball for baseball or a pair of goggles for swimming. There is no “right way” to create paper plate awards, so the creator should use their imagination and create.