What Are Some Over-the-Counter Medications for Vertigo?

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Over-the-counter medications used to treat vertigo include meclizine, sold under the brand names Bonine and Antivert, and dimenhydrinate, sold under the brand name Dramamine, according to Drugs.com. These medications dampen the activity of the inner ear, reducing the nausea and vomiting associated with the condition.

Vertigo is the sensation of movement or spinning, explains Mayo Clinic. The sensation may worsen with position changes or other movement, often causing nausea, vomiting and balance issues. Inner ear inflammation, acoustic neuromas, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular migraines and Meniere’s disease are the most common causes.

Prescription medications used to manage vertigo symptoms include promethazine, diazepam and scopolamine, states Drugs.com.