What Are the Odds of Getting Hit by a Car?

Trevor Williams/Taxi Japan/Getty Images

Based on information provided by the Centers for Disease Control, the odds of being struck by a car in the United States is about one in 4,292. The odds of dying as the result of being struck by a car are about one in 47,273.

The Centers for Disease Control report that about 4,280 pedestrians die as the result of being struck by cars each year and another 70,000 pedestrians are injured as the result of being hit by a car. This is a total of 74,280 pedestrians struck by cars each year. According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of the United States is currently 318,882,070. When the population of the United States is divided by the number of pedestrians killed or injured each year, the result is one in 4,292. Odds increase, however, in high-traffic areas and areas in which there are a lot of pedestrians.