What Are the Negative Effects of Mountain Dew?

The popular soda Mountain Dew may create a number of negative health effects, including the potential to generate allergic reactions and exposing people to citric acid and sodium benzoate. In addition to having high levels of citric acid and sodium benzoate, which may irritate the stomach and esophagus, Mountain Dew contains high fructose corn syrup, which scientific studies correlate with increased incidences of liver problems.

High fructose corn syrup contains sugars, which are natural substances. The sugars in corn syrup, however, process only in the liver, whereas sugars that enter the body through other sources process in different types of cells. The inability of high fructose corn syrup sugars to process in multiple cells puts a strain on the liver, which must work hard to digest sugars. Eventually, the increased workload of the liver leads to a condition called cirrhosis, which can cause serious health consequences. Diet versions of Mountain Dew, along with other types of soda, contain aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener with potentially negative health effects. In addition to these ingredients, Mountain Dew contains brominated vegetable oil, abbreviated as BVO, which receives criticism from some in the health industry. Many countries ban the substance bromine because of its negative health effects, which makes it a contentious ingredient in Mountain Dew.