What Is a Navy Rank Structure Chart?
The official Department of the Navy website provides separate rank structure charts for enlisted personnel and commissioned and warrant officers, and the charts include the pay grade, rate, abbreviation and insignia for each rank. Enlisted ranks range from seaman recruit to master chief petty officer. Commissioned officer ranks range from ensign to admiral. Chief warrant officer constitutes the only current warrant officer rank, as of 2015.
Enlisted pay grades range from E-1 to E-9. Enlisted ranks include three classes of seaman, three classes of petty officer and three classes of chief petty officer. Enlisted personnel wear insignia on their sleeves and, for ranks above petty officer third class, collars and caps. The insignia consist of various combinations of slashes, chevrons, eagles and anchors.
In use commissioned officer pay grades range from O-1 to O-10, with the grade O-11 last used during World War II. Commissioned ranks consist of ensign, two classes of lieutenant, two classes of commander, captain and four classes of admiral. Commissioned officers wear insignia on their collars, caps and shoulders. The insignia consist of various combinations of bars, stars, leaves and eagles.
In use grades for warrant officers range from W-2 to W-5, with the W-1 grade no longer in use. Warrant officers wear insignia on their collars, caps and shoulders. The insignia consist of bars, squares and anchors.