What Is the National Costume of Denmark?

The Danish national costume emerged around 1750, and served as the primary dress code for Danish citizens through 1900, with variations in clothing styles, colors and fabrics among regions. Danish national costumes outfitted men, women and children. Citizens wore attire for daily use and had nicer outfits for special occasions such as going to church on Sundays.

As with other nations around the world, Danish women bore primary responsibility for making clothing for themselves and family members. Most outfits derived from wool and flax: sturdy, warm and inexpensive materials. Danes dressed simply. Women wore aprons, skirts and headpieces such as bonnets and scarves. Women covered skirts with aprons or petticoats for warmth and protection from the elements. On top, most women wore jackets or blouses, and occasionally bodices. Women, like men, wore long socks to keep their feet and legs warm. Men, women and children wore clogs on their feet for daily use; men dressed nicely in leather boots, while women switched to decorated leather shoes for going out. Men dressed daily in trousers and breeches. They sported knee-high stockings, designed for warmth and comfort. Men wore several layers of shirts beneath warm, thick coats. Women added special embroidered patterns and decorations to outermost layers of clothing. Similarly, men fit silver buttons on their jackets. Those decorative details indicated region of residence and socioeconomic status.