What Are the Names of Some Popular TV Judges?

Popular TV judges through the years include Judge Joseph Wapner, the original star of “The People’s Court,” Judge Marilyn Milian, also of “The People’s Court,” and Judge Judith Sheindlin of “Judge Judy.” Other notable TV judges include Judge Joe Brown, Judge Greg Mathis and Judge Lynn Toler of “Divorce Court.”

“The People’s Court” is often seen as the show that launched the genre of television shows set in real courtrooms. Wapner presided over the small claims court from 1981 to 1993.

“Judge Judy” is an Emmy-award winning show and claimed the title of No. 1 show on daytime television four years in a row. Sheindlin, who retired in 1996, became known for her open-air policy of allowing cameras in the courtroom. She is also known for her wit and quick decision making.

Milian is the first Hispanic judge of a real-life courtroom television show. She has a Cuban background and also is known for her sense of humor.

Brown grew up in South Central Los Angeles and is known for his tough but fatherly approach to the people in his courtroom. Mathis also comes from a rough background, having grown up in Detroit. “Divorce Court,” meanwhile, is the oldest of the television judge shows.