What Does It Mean When Your Pupils Pulsate?
Pulsating pupils may indicate increased stress or fatigue, eye strain, a dietary imbalance, or more serious health conditions such as Parkinson’s disease or hypoglycemia, reports Shape Magazine. Those with severe eye pain or sudden vision loss should consult a physician immediately to determine the underlying cause, states Mayo Clinic.
For those who experience sudden or continuous stress, pulsating pupils may last one week or longer depending on the level of stress, states Shape Magazine. Finding ways to reduce stress and getting enough rest can help the body recover in less time. In addition to stress, eye strain from constant computer use or from wearing eyeglasses with an outdated prescription can cause pupils to pulsate throughout the day. Taking frequent breaks from staring at computer and mobile phone screens or tablet devices can help prevent pupils from pulsating as often, according to Shape Magazine.
Dietary imbalances, such as low magnesium levels, may cause persistent twitching and pulsing of pupils. Taking a vitamin supplement or eating foods such as spinach, oatmeal and almonds that contain magnesium may help reduce the occurrence of pulsating pupils, reports Shape Magazine. Those who experience pulsating pupils for more than a week or experience additional health issues such as bulging eyes, abdominal pain or eyes that are painful to the touch, should seek medical attention quickly, states Mayo Clinic.