What Does Mucus Threads Found in Urinalysis Mean?
Mucus can appear in a urinalysis due to mucus in urine. This can be due to bacterial infections, irritable bowl syndrome, STDs, urachal cancer, ulcerative colitis and kidney stones.
Mucus is a colloid that protects the body’s sensitive linings and can be found in organs such as the large intestine, stomach, nose and lungs. It’s produced by mucous membranes, which are found in several areas around the body. Urine may appear cloudy if it contains mucus. Although a little bit of mucus in the urine is normal, a lot of it isn’t. Also, the normal mucus should be cloudy white, off-white and transparent. Other times, one may find yellow mucus, which requires further attention. For women, the mucus may appear to be coming from urine, when it’s coming from the vagina. If the issue persists for only one to two days, it’s often nothing to worry about. Otherwise, one should take a urinalysis to test the mucus levels. During urinalysis, the urine is examined under a microscope and checked for chemicals.
Causes of Mucus Urinary tract infections can cause mucus in the urine. Discomfort while urinating is a common symptom associated with UTIs, as well as strong urges to urinate and urine tinged with some blood. On the other hand, irritable bowel syndrome causes the mucous membrane in the intestine to increase mucus production. This excess of mucus can reach the urethra. Obstructions in the urinary system caused by kidney stones can also cause excessive mucus in urine.
Other causes of mucus in urine include gonorrhea and chlamydia. These STIs also result in mucus reaching the urethra. This discharge can turn urine yellow. Additionally, somebody afflicted with ulcerative colitis will produce abnormal amounts of mucus in the large intestine, and a yellow mucus is expelled in the urine. A more serious cause of mucus in urine is Urachal cancer, also called bladder cancer, which is diagnosed with a urine test. The presence of mucus is considered a key symptom; however, it’s rare and isn’t the only symptom.
Curing the Problem Drinking excessive water can help cleanse the kidney and expel bacteria. If a more serious complication is discovered, medical attention should be sought. Bacterial UTIs require prescription antibiotics and plenty of water. Sometimes, the situation requires IV antibiotics. Additionally, STIs are treated with prescription antibiotics, and the sexual partner must be treated as well. However, if the issue is due to irritable bowel syndrome, the solution is more complicated. People are required to change their diets by avoiding gluten, beans and raw fruit. There are medications that can also help.
Seek Professional Help If one is concerned or has questions about the mucus in their urine, the best thing to do is to make a doctor’s appointment. A urinalysis is easy to do, and can help put your mind at ease. Knowing the issue can help you understand the next best steps towards recovering and becoming healthy again. Whatever the case may be, drinking plenty of fluids is a great thing to do because it helps flush the body of toxins and other waste buildup.