What Does It Mean When Leukocytes Are Found in Urine?

When leukocytes, or white blood cells, are found in urine, it may mean there is a urinary tract infection, according to WebMD. White blood cells in the urine can also be a sign of kidney disease.

Urine does not usually contain red or white blood cells, states WebMD. If they are found in a urine test, it could also mean there is damage, inflammation or disease in the bladder, ureters or urethra. Some people may have blood in their urine after vigorous exercise.

Urinary tract infections are not always detectable, but some signs include strongly scented urine; cloudy urine; urinating frequently and in small quantities; and a strong, persistent need to urinate, notes Mayo Clinic. Other signs of a urinary tract infection include stinging or burning during urination or urine that is red, bright pink or dark brown colored. Men may experience rectal pain, and women may experience pelvic pain.

If the kidney is infected, a person may experience vomiting, nausea or high fever, explains Mayo Clinic. Other symptoms include pain in the upper back or side, chills and shaking. People with a bladder infection may experience pressure in the pelvis, bloody urine and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Urinating frequently and painfully may also be a sign of a bladder infection. People with an infection in the urethra may experience a burning sensation while urinating.