What Does It Mean When Your Car Has the “check Gauges” Light On?

Alexander Crispin/Getty Images

The check gauges light on a vehicle indicates that a malfunction has occurred and the vehicle needs to be inspected, serviced or repaired. A check engine or check gauges light can indicate a loose fuel cap, low engine oil, an overheated engine temperature or a malfunction in the engine or electrical system.

Various types of gauge lights can indicate the specific problem within a vehicle. For example, a general or direct light can indicate the temperature of the vehicle or the oil pressure. Check engine gauges may be a little more vague, and vehicle owners may have to have a professional mechanic diagnose the problem. The vehicle malfunction may be within the gauge sensor, or the sensor may be indicating a problem with the emissions system, the engine’s performance or worn coils within the vehicle’s operating system. A more costly problem is present when the gauge light indicates a problem with the electrical system of the vehicle. In most vehicles, the gauge system that triggers the warning light is connected to the vehicle part it measures, such as the oil pressure or temperature components. All gauges have a line or metal tube running to the vehicle parts or engine to ensure that the vehicle is running properly.