How Do You Make Squirrel Poison With Baking Soda?
To make squirrel poison with baking soda, add 1 tablespoon of laundry starch to 1/2 teacup of cold water, then stir the mixture into 1/4 quart of boiling water to form a thin, clear paste. Add 1 ounce of powdered strychnine and 1 ounce of baking soda, then blend to an even, thick mixture. Stir in 1/4 pint of corn syrup, 1 tablespoon of glycerin, then 1/3 tablespoon of saccharine. Add 20 quarts of oats, and stir the resulting poison.
When finished, the paste should form a coating on the oats. A pint of the poisoned oats is sufficient for 20 to 30 baits. Place 1 tablespoon of the poison in the place the squirrels frequent. For faster results, scatter the poison in several locations along squirrel trails or near their holes.
While this formula is effective on most species of squirrels, it does not work on the notoriously aggressive types, such as the Columbia ground squirrel. The remedy is to blend 1 ounce of strychnine, 1 ounce of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of saccharin and 8 ounces of laundry starch with cold water to make a smooth, thick paste. Apply the paste to 12 quarts of oats, and allow them to dry. Use 1 pint of the poisoned oats for 20 to 30 baits.