How Do I Make a CV on My Computer?
To write a CV, or curriculum vitae, gather all necessary educational and academic employment records. Organize the documents so that the most recent information comes first. Then, open a word processing program, such as Word or Google Docs, and begin inputting the data. Although there is no one way to write a CV, the following order is a very common format.
Begin writing the CV by typing personal information, such as name, address and contact information toward the top of the first page. Next, list your educational experience. Write the name of the college, the name of the degree program and the years the program was attended. After listing the basic educational information, list any research or publications that were completed during the educational programs.
The last section requires listing detailed information about all academic employment experience. This includes teaching assistantships and traditional teaching jobs. List a synopsis of the course, the format and class size of the course, and the skills used and development in each position.
A CV is different from a resume because it is designed for academic professionals to showcase relevant experience. Additionally, a CV is much longer and more detailed than a resume. The more specific a CV and the more information that is listed that applies to the position, the better the chances of getting an interview.