How Do I Make a Beauty Pageant Sash?

To make a beauty pageant sash, purchase a length of wide ribbon appropriate for the size of the girl wearing the sash. Sew the ribbon on an angle so it curves nicely around the body, and add a trim if desired. Try it on the girl, and sew the bottom seam. Add the name on the sash with glitter, paint or embroidery.
Purchase a wide ribbon
Choose a wide ribbon that matches the color scheme or the girl’s dress. If desired, purchase a slightly narrower white ribbon to add to the top of the other one to create a layered look. Typically, 2 yards is plenty of ribbon. However, adjust as necessary to fit the body wearing the ribbon.
Purchase trim if desired
If desired, purchase lace or fringe to add to the sash. Purchase the same amount of trim as ribbon. If used, it is sewn on one side of the ribbon.
Fold the ribbon in half
Keeping right sides together, fold the ribbon in half. If your ribbon is 2-yards long, you would then have a doubled piece that is 1-yard long.
Sew the shoulder seam
Measure 1-1/2 inches from the fold and mark with a pin. Take a straight edge and measure from the mark to the opposite corner of the fold. Draw a line along the straight edge. This gives a short diagonal line. Sew over this line. Trim off the extra ribbon. Use a zig-zag stitch on the raw edge to prevent fraying if necessary.
Attach the trim if desired
Unfold the ribbon at the seam. Press if desired. Sew the trim, if used, along the bottom side of the ribbon. If using a second ribbon over the first, add it now as well.
Write on the sash
Write, paint or embroider the name on the sash. If desired, use a template so the letters are even and pretty. Measure in advance to center the letters nicely on the front part of the sash.
Sew the bottom seam at the hip
Put the sash on the girl, and hold it at the hip. Pin the front of the sash over the back. Remove the sash and sew a strong seam. Cut any extra ribbon off the sash, if desired. Again, if fraying is a concern, sew the cut ends of the ribbon with a zig-zag stitch.