How Long Does 1 GB of Mobile Phone Data Last?

Because different types of phone activity use different amounts of data, the amount of time 1 GB lasts will vary. For example, a user can surf the Web for around 44.5 hours on 1 GB of data, but can only place video calls lasting 30 minutes on Skype for about 4.5 hours.

When surfing the Web, users can view approximately 3,000 web pages on 1 GB of data. However, websites vary in size. For example, sites with primarily text will use less data than those with high-resolution pictures or videos.

The amount of 1 GB of data will allow users to share around 4,000 photos on sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Flickr. Larger photos will use more data, but about 130 average-sized photos can be shared daily for a month.

Around 34,000 emails without attachments and Whatsapp messages can be sent and received with 1 GB of data. Users can watch about 310 minutes on YouTube, which is equivalent to around 70 music videos. Music aficionados can download about 160 songs before exceeding the 1 GB limit.

Users should clearly understand the fine print in their cell phone plans. Companies usually add extra charges at higher rates to the month’s bill if a customer’s data limit is exceeded.