How Has the Light Bulb Changed Our Lives?

The invention of the light bulb has changed the way people live in many ways; the most notable way was by giving employers the means to work employees after dark. The invention of the light bulb also allows people more freedom to come and go safely after dark.

Before commercially viable light bulbs, it was uncommon for residential houses to have electricity. After the light bulb was introduced, people signed up for electricity to be sent to their homes. In the 1930s, 10 percent of people living in rural, remote areas had electricity in their homes. By the 1960s, most people had electricity. With brighter lights to illuminate their surroundings, people began reading more, learning facilities held classes after dark, and there was a steady rise in higher education enrollment among the general population. This spurred the advancement of technology. In the years since the light bulb was invented, there have been more technological advancements than in any other historical time period.

Production of goods increased because factory and mill employees could work through the night. This also meant that people had more money than ever before, which boosted the economy. The population of the towns surrounding the factories and mills grew as people moved to find work, or to find towns in which they could open their own businesses.