What Does “LBS” Mean in Texting Slang?

When used in a text message or online, the acronym “LBS” usually means “laughing but serious.” When written in lower-case letters, the acronym “lbs” is most commonly the abbreviation for “pounds.”

“LBS” also stands for “local bike shop,” “low blood sugar,” “learning behavior specialist” and “location-based service.” It is also the abbreviation for several schools, including London Business School, Lagos Business School, Long Beach State and Lauder Business School.

Some common texting acronyms that are related to the concept of “laughing but serious” are “LOL” (laughing out loud), “LHH” (laughing hella hard), “ROFL” (rolling on floor laughing), “LIS” (laughing in silence) and “PIMPL” (pee in my pants laughing).