Is King Po-T-Rik Molasses Still for Sale?

As of March 2015, King Po-T-Rik Molasses is no longer for sale. Customers interested in King Po-T-Rik Molasses can contact the customer service department of the brand’s producer, The Carriage House Companies, and request that they bring back the molasses. Carriage House still produces King Syrup.

King Po-T-Rik Molasses was a blend of corn syrup and West Indian molasses. It came in a 16-ounce bottle with a blue label and a picture of a lion. People added KingPo-T-Rik Molasses to a variety of food items such as biscuits, pancakes or as an ingredient in shoo fly pie. King Syrup is a blend of sugar and corn syrups that was first produced in 1901. It comes in a bottle with a red label.