How Do You Find the ISP Settings on a Computer?
Finding the ISP settings on a Windows computer typically requires navigating the Network settings in the Control Panel. The process can vary slightly, depending on the version of the Windows operating system. However, it should only take a few minutes to obtain the ISP settings
Access the Network settings
Open the Start menu, highlight Settings and click Control Panel. Double-click the Network icon to open the Network window that shows the computer’s installed components.
Determine the IP address configuration
In the Network window, select TCP/IP, and click Properties. Select the IP address tab. If an IP address and subnet mask are present, your account uses a static IP address. If there is no address, your account is based on a dynamically assigned IP address.
Obtain and write down the IP address
Write down the IP address and subnet mask information for the static IP address. If no address is present, select the option that allows you to obtain the IP address automatically and assign it to the account.
Gather the Gateway and DNS addresses
Click on the Gateway tab. Write down the IP address under Installed Gateways if one is present. Select the DNS Configuration tab, and write down any DNS server addresses that may be present.