What Does Indian Fire Rash Look Like?

Indian fire rash, also known as impetigo, appears as raised red sores that develop honey-colored crusts, according to Jones Dermatology. Indian fire rash is a skin infection that often appears around the nose but can occur on any part of the skin that is exposed to bacteria.
According to Doctor Decides, Indian fire rash is most common in children and infants and is caused mainly by bacteria entering the skin through scratches and insect bites, though the rash sometimes appears on normal healthy skin. In addition to red sores, symptoms include itching and fluid-filled blisters. The rash is usually not painful nor does it cause a fever. However, the condition is contagious and can be spread through direct contact.
Heather Brannon, MD, for About.com states that Indian fire rash is usually diagnosed based on its appearance, but a medical professional might want to conduct a test to confirm the diagnosis. A typical diagnostic test involves touching a sore with a cotton swab to create a bacteria culture. Treatment for the most common type, called non-bullous impetigo, is to apply a topical antibiotic to the rash. Treatment for the other type, called bullous impetigo, and for resistant non-bullous impetigo is to complete a round of oral antibiotics.