How Do You Make Calls Online?

It might not come as too much of a surprise that, today, most adults in the United States can’t envision not having their phones by their sides. After all, 97% percent of them have some type of cell phone, with 85% specifically owning smartphones.
But, every now and then, your trusty phone might fail you. The service may cut out, or you might drop it, making it unusable until a replacement arrives. With the average monthly phone bill now hitting $127.37, you might decide to cut back on data to save some money — and make calls less frequently to save some data.
What’s a savvy caller to do? Fortunately, the internet offers plenty of helpful alternatives. Here’s a look into how to make calls online, even if you don’t have a phone number.
How Do You Make Calls Online?
If you want to make calls online, you’ll need the right tools and applications. There are several low-cost or free options available, all of which involve nothing more than a quick signup process and an internet connection.
One prime example is Google Voice. Most calls in the United States and Canada are free, and the rest are usually low-cost. The setup process is easy, requiring little more than a compatible computer operating system and web browser. You can also text traditional phone numbers with Google Voice, giving you another way to reach out.
Several apps that are normally used for video conferencing also work for voice calls. Skype is one option; it’s free to sign up and call or message other users directly. Discord is another popular communication app that can stand in for a phone. The same goes for Messenger.
How Can I Make Calls Online Without a Phone Number?
If you want to make calls online without a phone number, you’ll probably want to use an app-based approach. As long as you and your call recipient both sign up on the app, you can connect quickly, often without any extra costs.
As mentioned above, Messenger, Discord and Skype are all solid options. They’re free and let you talk with anyone else you connect with who also has the app. With Skype, you can even get an actual phone number and pay to call regular phones. While this is an added cost, it’s worth considering if you don’t have access to a phone number another way.
Can I Call Cell Phones and Landlines Online?
You can call cell phones and landlines online with the right service. If you sign up for an option like Google Voice or get a phone number through Skype, you can use the online service to dial regular phone numbers.
However, some services are app-to-app based, limiting you to calling other users using a non-phone-number-based approach. Still, most of those options have smartphone apps, so they can do a solid job of mimicking calls to smartphones.
Can I Make Calls Internationally for Free?
If you want to talk to someone internationally without breaking the bank, using an app is the simplest option. For example, you can chat with any other Skype user directly for free, regardless of location. The same is true with options like Discord, Messenger, WhatsApp and even FaceTime.
Consider what apps you already have in common with the person, or choose one that you’re both comfortable using. Then, you can communicate for free with ease.