What Does the House Majority Whip Do?
The house majority whip ensures that the legislative process is well organized. In the United States, the majority whip encourages majority party members to vote, they count the vote and they oversee the activities of deputy whips.
Whenever congress votes on an issue, the house majority whip counts them. During this process they cannot use email, text or any other means of electronic communication to count the vote. To stay organized, they may use the services of deputy whips.
During votes, the house majority whip is responsible for encouraging participation. This means ensuring party members attend important votes, as well as attempting to ensure they support the party’s position. The two individuals in Congress outranking the whip are the majority leader and the speaker.
How each party votes in the majority whip remains secretive. This takes place at the same time as choosing the party leader. They then have the chance to select their own deputies. In addition to a majority whip, there is a minority version to represent the minority party. Their role is the same as the majority whip’s, except they represent the minority party’s interests. This position has existed in Congress since 1897, and it is implemented in other areas of the world too.