What Do Guests Wear to a Quinceanera?
While some quinceaneras has specific themes, the normal attire for guys is dress pants, a formal shirt and a jacket or vest; girls traditionally wear a semi-formal dress and matching shoes. A quinceanera is a celebration held to celebrate a girls 15th birthday in Latin American culture.
A quincecera is one of many important ceremonies in a young woman´s life and requires semi-formal attire. It marks the passage of a girl into womanhood and at the same time, presents her to the community. It has two parts, a ceremony at a church and a dinner or party following the mass.
The religious ceremony is significant, as it presents the young woman being celebrated to God and the church community. Preparatory classes are attended for months or even a year beforehand for both the young girl and her family.
The ceremony requires a court, traditional seven couples and a pair of padrinos, a married couple with ties to the family. The padinos, or sponsors, are responsible for mentoring the woman in her spiritual path and encourage her to make a positive impact on the community. Other members of the court include an escort of honor who is the woman’s first male companion and a chamberlain, typically an older relative.