What Are Some Good Quotes for Red Ribbon Week?
Because Red Ribbon Week is a campaign all about drug and violence prevention every October, good quotes and slogans for the festivities would be “A healthy me is drug free,” “Be a chooser not a loser. Choose to be drug free,” “Crack is whack!” “Choose to refuse,” “Don’t huff, don’t puff, stay away from that stuff!” “Don’t monkey around with drugs,” “Drug free is the key” and “Drug use is life abuse.” Other good Red Ribbon Week quotes are, “Give your loved ones hope. Stay away from dope,” “Hand in hand we stand against drugs,” “Drugs. I don’t have an app for that” and “It’s up to me to be drug free.”
Other good Red Ribbon Week quotes are “iTune out drugs,” “Take a stand for a drug free land,” “Be smart and don’t start,” “ABCD drugs stay away from me,” “Deny drugs the opportunity to steal your life” and “I have better things to do than drugs.” “I’ve got too much swag. Using drugs is a drag,” “Go red for red ribbon week,” “Life is my anti-drug!” “The best me is drug free,” “You can’t hand with me unless you’re drug free” and “If you do coke, you’re life will end up a joke!” are also appropriate quotes for Red Ribbon Week.