What Are Some Good Farm Names?
Grinning Eagle Ranch, Running Moose Farm, and Laughing Dove Farms are good farm names, according to a formula by Leda McDaniel. McDaniel, program advisor at University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County, recommends the following formula to name a farm: participle + animal + “farm” OR “ranch”
McDaniel recommends choose a name that you like first and foremost, since it is the name that will be used in all communications that pertain to your farm and business. A good starting point is to have the name of the product or crop that is being grown in the name.
Alternatively, “Farm” or “Ranch” could be used in the name to communicate the idea that agricultural goods are being grown and sold. The name should be memorable without being tacky. Her personal favorite farm name is Chickadee Hill Flowers, which is the name of a real flower farm located in Bar Harbor, Maine.