What Is the Gilroy Pheromone?

The Gilroy pheromone is a fictional pheromone used in the film “Ocean’s Thirteen” by Linus (Matt Damon) to attract Abigail (Ellen Barkin). According to IMDb, the inside joke is on Tony Gilroy, who wrote the screenplays for all three “Bourne” movies in which Matt Damon starred.

The company True Pheromones offers a product called The Ultimate Pheromone Patch, which is based on the concept of The Gilroy Patch. The patch is infused with one milligram of Androsterone and three milligrams of Androstenol. The product is sold in sets of six patches on a sheet. The patches are body heat activated and last one day. It is recommended that the patch be worn underneath a person’s shirt collar to the side or back of the neck.