What Are the Georgia Teenage Curfew Laws?
As of September of 2014, Georgia does have teenage curfew laws, but they do vary by city. For example, in the city of Alpharetta, the curfew law states that teenagers 17 and younger cannot be out later than 11 p.m. from Sunday through Thursday. From Friday through Saturday, the curfew is 11.59 p.m. and ends the following day at 6 a.m.
In Dekalb County, the curfew law specifies that any person 16 and younger is not permitted to be out from midnight to 5 a.m. on any day. These laws apply to public areas, such as parks and streets.
Georgia has a statewide driving curfew law that applies to teenagers with a Class D driver’s license. A teenager between the ages of 16 and 18 with this license is not permitted to drive from midnight to 5 a.m.
There are some exceptions to the general curfews, such as a minor is with a parent, emergency situations, or a minor is legally emancipated. However, there are no exceptions for the driving curfew.