How Does Gas-X Work?

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WebMD reports that Gas-X contains simethicone, which works to break up gas bubbles in the digestive system. This feature of simethicone provides relief to individuals who suffer from flatulence, bloating and gas pain. The maximum dosage for adults is 500 milligrams per day. It is important to contact a physician if Gas-X does not relieve symptoms or if symptoms worsen. explains that Gas-X is used to relieve bloating, pressure and discomfort in the digestive tract. Certain medical conditions, herbal preparations and dietary supplements may interact with Gas-X, which makes it important for individuals with potential interaction risks to consult with a physician prior to taking Gas-X.

According to the Gas-X website, gas affects approximately 140 million people per year. It is normal to pass gas up to 20 times per day, and excessive intestinal gas does not usually signify an underlying medical condition. However, excessive belching of intestinal gas can signify a stomach ulcer or a gallbladder issue. Gas-X recommends increasing water intake and avoiding carbonated beverages to minimize belching in addition to avoiding foods such as broccoli, beans and bran to minimize flatulence. Reducing stress can also help to minimize stomach gas, as tension often causes people to breathe in excess air.

Simethicone may also be used before a gastroscopy and before a radiography of the bowel.

Simethicone can be used to treat symptoms of gas in babies, children and adults, as stated by Other over-the-counter products that contain simethicone as the active ingredient include Mylanta Gas and Alka-Seltzer Anti-Gas.